The Apartment Labels feature allows you to add keywords that highlight your apartment’s Unique Selling Points (USP). These labels are displayed on both the Archive Page and the Search Results Page, helping to attract attention to key features of your apartment.
To add any new label, scroll down to the bottom of the page and click the “Add / Insert New Label” button.
Each label has a dropdown icon beside it that leads to additional options. There are also some buttons on the opposite side that helps you to rearrange, copy or delete the label.

Label Title
You can customize the label title to match the specific feature you want to highlight. Put down the keyword in the textbox. This is the text that’ll appear beside your apartment when searched or in archive pages.
Label Colors
This section allows you to choose the color of both, the background and the font of the label. Use contrasting colors to ensure that your labels are easily visible and readable against your apartment image.
Just click on “Select Color” and then choose your preferred color on both occasions. There are stock colors and color panels to help you out visually with selecting the color. You can also just put down the hex code for any specific color.