
Dashboard  – > Add New Tour – > Tour Setting  – > Availability

Custom Availability is worked by two types of tours Continuous tour and Fixed tour.

Tour Type Continuous Availability is allowed a few more options: 

  • Disabled by Days (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday)
  • Disabled by Date Range
  • Disabled by Specific Days
  • Specific Time Allowed
  • Minimum and Maximum Person
  • Custom Availability


Tour Availability Date - Themefic


Disable Tour date - Themefic

Continuous Custom Availability allows you to change pricing, Minimum / Maximum People by date range.

Tour Availability Date 1 1 - Themefic

Tour Type fixed Availability able only booking between those days. For example, 2022/12/01 – 2023/01/31, In this booking calendar, only between those days are visible and bookable. Also, able to add the Minimum and the maximum number of people allowed between those days.

Tour Fixed type - Themefic

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