Tours Options

Tourfic Settings>Settings>Tour Options>Single page

General settings of the tours will be found on this page. This page will cover the followings:

Tour Single Page

Disable Review Section:  

Disable the review option to display the review section on the single tour page.Where people will be able to write their reviews. Find details about review settings:

PS: You can enable/disable for different tours/hotels while adding a tours/hotels

Tour Options - Themefic

Disable Related Tour Section:

This feature allows you to hide and display related tours on the single tour page

Tour related tour - Themefic

You can also modify the section title and descriptions for the related tour section.

Related Tour Section - Themefic

Enquiry Email(Pro): 

This is a Pro feature. This is a feature for the visitors to submit queries to the admin. Admin can set mail for the email inquiry form. When someone submits the inquiry form, the inquiry data will be sent to that mail. Also, these inquiries will be stored in the database, which can be accessed by hotels > Enquiry details. You will find more information about the question here.

Partial Payment modal

Tourfic Settings > Settings > Tour Options > Partial Payment popup

There is an option which allows the users to pay a partial amount of the booking fee. You will find more about the partial payment here. You can update the Partial payment popup information here in this section.

Partial Payment modal 1 - Themefic

Partial Payment modal - Themefic

Itinerary Builder Setting

Tourfic Settings > Settings > Tour Options > Itinerary Builder

Itinerary options: In Tourfic, there is a complete itinerary builder. Here you can add custom options for itinerary options with icons. Set a title and icon to add an itinerary option.

Tourfic Itinerary Builder - Themefic

Itinerary Chart

How to create the Itinerary Map for the tour?

Tour Itenerary 1 - Themefic

Tour Itenerary 2 - Themefic

Without payment Book

When you choose the ‘Without Payment’ option, all the fields must be completed in order to make a booking. You have the flexibility to create custom fields tailored to your specific booking requirements

partial Payment - Themefic


Here, you can activate the ‘Traveller Info’ option. Enabling this setting will prompt users to provide traveller information when making a booking. For example, if a user selects 3 persons, they will need to input information for all 3 individuals. Additionally, you have the option to include custom fields for this purpose.

Tour Extra options - Themefic