
Zoom Integration with Hydra Booking

Access the Zoom Marketplace

Log in to your Zoom account and navigate to the Zoom App Marketplace.

Create a New App

Click on the Develop dropdown in the top-right corner and select Build App.

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Choose Server-to-Server OAuth as the app type and click on the Create button

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Now you will have to enter an app name and click on the Create button

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App Credentials

After providing the name, click on the Create button to be redirected to the app dashboard.

You can copy the app credentials—such as account ID, client ID, and client secret—from this section and connect to HydraBooking. But To make the integration fully functional, you’ll need to complete the setup by providing information for details, features, scopes, and activations.

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App information

On the Information page, you’ll come across some essential fields that need to be filled out. These cover basic details like App Name, a Short Description of the app, Company Name, and Developer Contact Details (such as Name and Email). After entering this information, hit the Continue button to advance to the next step.

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App Features

In the Features section, no changes are required, so you can simply skip this part.

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App Scopes

Go to the Scopes section and add the necessary permissions for your app.

  • For HydraBooking integration, consider adding scopes like:
    • Meeting Scopes:
    • Delete a Meeting (meeting:delete:meeting:admin)
    • Update a Meeting (meeting:update:meeting:admin)
    • Create a Meeting for a User (meeting:write:meeting:admin)
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  • User Scope:
  • View a User (user:read:user:admin)
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App Scopes

After completing the above steps, proceed to the Activation step. Click the Activate Your App button to make your Zoom app fully operational and complete the setup process.

Connect with HydraBooking

  • In HydraBooking, navigate to the Integrations section.
  • Select the Zoom integration option.
  • Enter the Account ID, Client ID, and Client Secret obtained from the Zoom app’s credentials.
  • Save the settings to establish the connection between HydraBooking and Zoom.
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Do you need more help? [View Documentation] Video [Video]

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