Price Settings

Dashboard  – > Add New Tour – > Tour Setting  – > Price Settings

We are including two types of pricing rules. First of all, Per Person. And Finally, the Group Price. Group Price is our Pro Feature.

When you select the pricing type Per person, there will be three price fields. You can add the tour price for adults, infants, and children. And when you select the pricing type group, there will be only one group price field. You can add the price of the tour.

Those fields are included in per-person pricing and the ability to enable or disable.

  • Price for adult
  • Price for child
  • Price for infant

“You can add a discount per Person or Group Price by Percent or Fixed.”

An essential Pro feature in the Price setting is Enable Deposit ( Enable Partial Payment). If enable? The customer can make a partial payment with a booking total of Percent or Fixed.

Tour Price Per Person

Tour Per Person pricing - Themefic

Tour Group Price

Tour Group Price - Themefic

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