Settings > User Options
As the super admin, you can add different user roles for your multi-vendor website. Two roles which can change or modify the listings on the website are vendors and managers. This section allows you to determine how much control vendors and managers have. The user options page has two tabs — Vendor Settings and Manager Settings.
Vendor Settings
Vendor Access for Services
This section determines the types of listing a vendor can add. If you want the vendors to be able to add hotels, tours, and apartments, enable all three of them.

Vendor Access for Options
This section adds some additional settings for vendors. You can allow them to view bookings and enquiries for tours, hotels, and apartments. They can also have the ability to create bookings themselves. Furthermore, you can provide them access to the total commission and payout sections as well.
Manager Settings
The manager role has more control and access to additional features on your website. In essence, managers can be thought of as admins with less control.

Manager Access for Services
Like its counterpart, this section allows managers to add all three types of listings.
Manager Access for Taxonomy
Similar to the vendor’s taxonomy permissions, this allows managers to add taxonomies for tours, hotels, or apartments. This includes locations, features, tour activities, attractions, or types.
Manager Access for Options
This is where the vendor and manager’s permissions differ. Since a manager can essentially act as an admin (minus some core permissions), they can have added control over the website.
- Firstly, you can allow managers to approve hotels, tours, and apartments in addition to viewing, adding, or editing them. When vendors add a new listing, managers can choose to approve them or prevent them from showing up on the website.
- Another crucial permission you can give managers is adding, editing, or deleting vendors. This allows managers to control which vendors are allowed on the website and add or remove new vendors.
- You can also let managers add, edit, or approve payouts. This allows them to control vendor payments without requiring the super admin’s involvement.
In addition, the Manager Can Manage Options section has usual settings like viewing bookings, enquiries, commissions, and payouts.