Rental Extras (Pro)

This section allows you to add extra services alongside your car rental offerings. To get started, click on the Add New Extra button, which opens a new field where you can add details for each extra service.

Title: Enter the name of your extra service.

Description: Provide a description explaining the benefits of this extra service.

Price: Set the price for the extra service.

Price Type: Specify the pricing rule for this extra. You can choose between Per Day or Per Rental. “Per Day” calculates the cost daily for each booking, while “Per Rental” applies the cost once per booking.

Here’s my backend settings,

AD 4nXdUruFjfqRMJww JXhuGason4l8TD80cPEXy4 Etg IEpTF0hAFntstz8LkS1ni1djEqnXVukL CEtvYb tjvOgnp UHGFSf tshj9u62IIfm0og7gbhcO7maz3HNWkH19hMlCeCQ?key= heIGnhLVCG4L3IRO2jCem4f - Themefic

And here’s the frontend view

AD 4nXeNLYc6g1 UF3ZKCi3MRFHGWFF9UCN0zvhkUWKSy5JAnhnC 88QcFj5LYvUGXarhh0CEExRJCI4QLUhAsSiKE wciLCjvI5Qp9U5uHaY cNj2uxi fsuyglfa7UYFNn2ZW1ZwDy Q?key= heIGnhLVCG4L3IRO2jCem4f - Themefic

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