General Settings

You’ll find these three tabs on the right side of the Add New page. 

Apartment Location:

In the Locations tab, select the location of the apartment. This is mandatory, and you can add new locations. 

Location Apartments tourfic - Themefic

In the ‘Locations’ tab, please choose the apartment’s location. This is a required field, and you have the option to add new locations if needed.

  • Add the location’s title in the name field. The slug refers to the version of the location that you see in the location’s URL. This can make URLs easy to interpret and accessible. 
  • As mentioned, locations can be as focused or as wide as you want. If you’re creating a city as a location, you can add the district it belongs to as the Parent Location. This parent-child relation allows users to create a hierarchy for ease of usage and organization. 
  • You can add the necessary description for the location in the location field, while the Upload section below allows you to add an image for the location. 

Once done, hit the Add new location button to save the changes.

Location 2 Apartments tourfic - Themefic

Apartment Types:

Similarly, Types will select an apartment type based on the categories created. 

Types Apartments tourfic - Themefic

You can create a filter by using widgets

Types Apartments widget tourfic - Themefic

Filter Preview

Types Apartments widget frontend tourfic - Themefic


Apartment Featured Image:

Finally, the Apartment Featured Image section allows you to add the primary image visitors will see for a specific apartment listing. 

Tourfic locaiton types featured image for apartments - Themefic


  • The Apartment Gallery option allows you to upload a collection of images (or select them from previously uploaded ones) to showcase within each specific apartment. 
  • The Featured Apartment toggle allows you to add an apartment as a featured one, which is highlighted above other options. 

You can also change the Apartment Page Layout to standard your global settings or a single apartment page layout.

Tourfic general settings for apartments - Themefic