Additional Information (Pro)

In this section, you can add more details like the car’s benefits, what’s included or excluded, and any other information to provide more value to your clients.


Do you want to show Benefits on the front end?

This option lets you enable the benefits section for users. Once you turn this on, you’ll see a few new options. Let’s talk about it.

Section Title

This is the title that will display for the benefits section on the front end.

Add New Benefits

This is a repeater field, so you can add as many benefits as you like. Each benefit includes two fields:


The title of the benefit.


Choose an icon that represents the benefit.

Here are my benefits as seen from the backend.

AD 4nXd6dYqlcNefbGwmXZuJkEXQ2 Ujx6jwMtz7sKiRvhlca8NuVoRQU Q J0YOzfvnEintdIkQxzEQi dyWOMLw u4B 2GQFeWVMh9j7KjEvhrJhYTOGt4Jl0ByOmfuqcVrfJrsofLA?key= heIGnhLVCG4L3IRO2jCem4f - Themefic

Here is the frontend

AD 4nXcWskkj3yK baHgFZehZf84ZlnNAQywpHU2j8JB2v TqFUOt4v3uYu7aCZJnBTiPrs1kL1jdDaOT5mCHewomk6OcqRy6esHJabFwDd8158bIwrhI5 FX6LAbtoMVuKWN9e1ICL?key= heIGnhLVCG4L3IRO2jCem4f - Themefic

Include & Exclude Section

Do you want to show the Include and Exclude sections on the front end?

Just like the Benefits section, this option enables the Include and Exclude sections for users.

Section Title

Similar to Benefits, this title will display for the Include/Exclude section on the front end.

Add New Include

This is a repeater field, allowing you to list various inclusions and exclusions. After clicking Add New Include, you’ll see an option called Insert your item. Use the text box to specify what’s included with the car. You can also add an icon by clicking the Add New Icon button.

The Add New Exclude functions in the same way.

Here are my current settings.

AD 4nXfiEYwjNYiuNXfyz3 4OXTibVRAANuxlTkaYktHpNcMdS 2WFqsZDjcqnRK8WjN ZSweIr1hKcKqI3FZofAbgRejEmb3RnrLndHOHJ7HQ3iT36CDoCcvHUSmUNYmVz9r4YtY7GCZQ?key= heIGnhLVCG4L3IRO2jCem4f - Themefic

Here’s the frontend view.

AD 4nXe0kqFqdmNW3zuwbocoKdgrm1Cvgxawnp4M93sequj180b20JKulw6tgSF15E hWUdqT54XB CF0HAoRzvKwXxVgEdOw0icEn5w18NHD0k6qbXK gaGZVcltUl 0jTG 7g0StsA?key= heIGnhLVCG4L3IRO2jCem4f - Themefic

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