Cart Settings

Edit Cart Button:

To enable this feature first make sure you have selected Choose Layout to Cart Only( General>Layout ). Using this feature you can change the cart button text and URL, you can add any URL to cart button

Edit Cart Button - Themefic


Edit Checkout Button:

To enable this feature first make sure you have selected Choose Layout to Cart Only( General>Layout ). Using this feature you can change the Checkout button text and URL, you can add any URL to Checkout button.

Edit Checkout Button - Themefic


Preview Buttons

Cart Buttons 1 - Themefic


Disable Quick View

You can disable it if you already have a quick view function in your theme (Applicable for Variable products)

Disable Quick View - Themefic


Disable Ajax Add to Cart

Upon activation of this functionality, the Instantio Quick Checkout system will execute seamlessly when a product is added to the cart via a single page transaction.

Single Page Checkout Ajax - Themefic


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