Hotel Options

On this page, you will find the general settings for hotels.

Single Hotel Page

Tourfic Settings > Settings > Hotel Options > Single page

Disable Review Section: 

Disable Review Section allows displaying the review section on the single hotel page. It will be enabled for each hotel’s single page. Where people will be able to write their reviews.

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Disable Share Option:

The share option will help you to share a hotel with different social sites. And the social share option will be visible at the top of every hotel

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Enquiry Email(Pro):

This is a Pro feature. This is a feature for the visitors to submit queries to the admin. Admin can set mail for the email inquiry form. When someone submits the inquiry form, the inquiry data will be sent to that mail. Also, these inquiries will be stored in the database, which can be accessed by tours/hotels > Enquiry details. You will find more information about the question here.

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Hotel Room Config

Tourfic Settings > Settings > Hotel Options > Room Config

Children’s age limit:

You can select the children’s age limit for booking. The age limit will be displayed in the search box, and children’s age data will be displayed with the booking data.

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Tourfic Settings > Settings > Hotel Options > Popup settings

Popup settings

While booking a hotel, a user can add extra services from the hotel. Here are the options to change the texts of that popup. For more information about the hotel services, use this link:

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