Mailchimp Integration

In this article, we will try to explain how to connect Contact Form 7 with your Mailchimp list with the help of our Free Addon “Contact Form 7 Mailchimp”.

What’s needed

  • Make sure Contact Form 7 and Ultimate Addons for Contact Form 7 are installed on your WordPress site.
  • Go to Contact -> Ultimate Addons menu in your WordPress Dashboard and enable the Mailchimp checkbox. Then click the Save Changes button. This will enable the “Contact Form 7 mailchimp integration addon” settings.

mailchimp with contact form 7

Contact form 7 and Mailchimp Form – Live Example

In this tutorial, we will create a form with contact form 7 and mailchimp like the example below. You can, for sure, create your own form following the same steps.

contact form 7 mailchimp integration

Check our main demo to see all the supported fields for Contact form 7 Mailchimp addon.

Contact Form 7 Mailchimp Form Creation

Before creating a form, we need to add mailchimp API key first.

contact form 7 and mailchimp

Add Mailchimp API

Go to Contact -> Ultimate Addons and you will see a mailchimp tab like the screenshot below. Just add your Mailchimp Audience API key. If you are not sure how to get your Mailchimp API key, Mailchimp doc has a pretty good documentation. You read that by clicking here.

ultimate mailchimp addon 2 - Themefic


After adding Mailchimp API, You will able to create a form for your MailChimp audience list and connect mailchimp with contact form 7. 

Create form and Connect Mailchimp and Contact Form 7

Go to Contact -> Add New in your WordPress Dashboard to create a new form.  You will get a contact form editor on your admin screen with a UACF7 Mailchimp tab. You can add as many field on your form as you want but for basic setup, make sure you have the name field (First Name & Last Name) and email field on your form. Then do the following:

  • Enable the Mailchimp form checkbox. 
  • Select “Create subscribe form”. 
  • After that, select your MailChimp audience list. Your all subscriber will be added to this audience list.
  • Now is what’s most important. Choose the field of your contact form from the dropdown and add them with Mailchimp respective field. Choose your CF7 Email field under “Subscriber Email”. Choose your First Name field under “Subscriber First Name” and choose your Last Name field under “Subscriber Last Name”.

Here is a screenshot for your reference:

ultimate mailchimp addon 3 - Themefic


Need to connect additional field?

Does your mailchimp list requires more information/data? Use our custom field section and connect your additional cf7 fields with mailchimp’s additional field (as shown on the above screenshot.

Copy the Shortcode

If your form is ready, click save and copy the Contact form shortcode.

Copy Short Code - Themefic

Time to Publish

Paste the shortcode wherever you want to show your form (Pages/Posts/Custom Post Types/Sidebars). The result should be something similar to the above form.

Looking for WhatsApp Integration?

Well, apart from mailchimp, would you like to pass your data to your whatsapp account? With Redirection Pro, you can do that for sure. You can easily pass submission data to WhatsApp. In addition, you can redirect the user to a specific page after submission based on condition. e.g. Condition A user goes to and Condition B user goes to In addition, Here is a live demo example of the form.

Watch Complete Video

If you are still confused, we suggest you watch this video. In this video, we tried to describe the whole step of How to create a Mailchimp and Contact Form 7 form:

Full Form Code

Here is the full code of the above example form:
[uacf7-row][uacf7-col col:6] 
[text* first-name placeholder "First Name"]
[/uacf7-col][uacf7-col col:6] 
[text* second-name placeholder "Second Name"]

[uacf7-col col:12] 
[email* email-subscribe placeholder "Enter Your Email"]
[uacf7-col col:12]
[submit "subscribe"]

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