Hotel Settings > FAQ
The FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions) is designed to help users find answers to common questions related to hotel bookings and amenities.
Title of the Section
This is the heading that shows up in the frontend at the top of the FAQ section on your website. You can customize it to say something like “Questions You Might Have” or “Get Your Answers Here” or leave it at “FAQ’s” if you want to keep it simple.
Add Your Questions
You can add as many questions and answers as you want by using the “Add New FAQ” button at the end of the page.
Single FAQ Title
Input the question in this section’s text box. The text you put here is the one that’ll be shown under the FAQ section in the frontend.
Single FAQ Description
This is where you provide the answer for the question.
For example, if the question is “Is parking available at the hotel?” then the answer would be something like “Yes, we offer complimentary parking for our guests.”

Also, the buttons beside each FAQ can help you rearrange them, duplicate them or delete them if necessary.
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