
The Settings tab holds a bunch of crucial controls for apartment listings. 

  • The Disable Review Section allows you to enable or disable reviews below every listing selectively. 
  • The share menu next to a listing can be turned on or off with the Disable Share Option toggle. 
  • You can turn off similar suggestions next to a listing with the Disable Related Section toggle. 
Settings Apartment for tourfic - Themefic

You can modify the titles for the Description Title, Reviews Section Title, and Related Apartment Title from this section as well.

Setting for section titles for tourfic - Themefic


Preview Template:

Descripiton title for apartment in tourfic - Themefic
reveiw and related apartments for apartment in tourfic - Themefic


Apartment Enquiry

Tourfic allows you to create a separate Enquiry section that allows potential visitors to reach out to them. You can enable or disable it through the toggle, add a title text, some short text as a description, and a CTA button text that users will click on. 

Apartment engquery Description - Themefic

Preview Template Enquiry:

Enquery - Themefic