The General Settings section in the Tourfic Settings tab provides you with all the primary controls for your hotels, tours, and apartments.
Disable Post Types
If your website doesn’t need listings for a certain category, you can tick the checkbox here to disable them. Here’s what the posts look like in the front end in a usual setup:

For instance, if you don’t want to use the hotel post type on your website, then disable the hotel service
Select Date Format
You can change the order and length of the date format depending on your preference or locale. This will be applied throughout the site.

Date Template Preview
Here, you can observe that the settings for tour booking have adjusted the date format.

Select the First Day Of the Week
It will allow you to select specific days to be displayed in the Date Picker on the frontend calendar. This feature is designed to enhance user interaction by enabling you to customize which days are available for selection

Template Settings: How to Change global Templates for Hotel, Tour, and Apartment
The template settings section allows you to choose a different UI/UX or theme for your entire multi-vendor website. These custom templates are available for hotels, tours, and apartments.
Select Single Hotel Templates
For single hotels, you’ll find three available templates with different diverse styles.

Single Tour Templates
There are once again three templates available for your single hotel listings. They’re designed differently from the hotels to focus on the unique aspects of tours.

Single Apartment Templates
In the case of single apartments, you’ll currently find two unique templates.

Recommended Fonts
You’ll find a tiny tooltip below the templates when you select a custom template for your hotels, tours, or apartments. These are the recommended fonts that would suit the templates well.
Of course, you’re free to choose and customize whichever fonts you want.
Single-page section control
This is where you can control different sections of your single hotel, tour, or apartment template. You can click on each toggle to expand it (step 1), where you’ll find the option to enable or disable the section (2).
Furthermore, you can use the drag handle (3) to change the order or hierarchy of the template’s sections.

Note: The Single Hotel/Tour/Apartment Template Section’s design might change, or it might not be available, depending on the template you choose.
For example, the template sections are divided into Parts 1 and 2 if you select the second template (shown below). Regardless of the structure, it’ll provide the same capabilities and features.

Archive and Search Result Page
You can separately customize the archive and search result pages for your hotels, tours, and apartments.
Hotel Archive & Search Result Page
This section gives you the ability to choose one of the three templates. Furthermore, you can change the background banner used in the single hotel archive and search results. Click the Upload button to select a banner image of your choice.

Tour Archive and Search Result Page
This section also offers the same choice for templates. However, it also allows you to choose an archive layout for your tours.

Apartment Archive & Search Result Page
This section offers the same controls as the archive template and banner image.

Note: With the Pro version, you can choose between List or Grid options for displaying search results. Additionally, the Map Template(Pro) feature enhances user experience by showing search results and hotel listings on an interactive map.
Select Minimum Price to Show.
You have the option to configure the settings for displaying the minimum price on the archive page. Additionally, you can set parameters for adult and child pricing

Minimum price Template Preview
Here is the price displayed according to my settings.