Dashboard > Add New Tour
How to add a tour details
From the dashboard, go to the Tours section and then click on “Add New”. You’ll need to provide the name of the tour and a description of it. Here’s the title and the description text fields in the backend.

Set as Featured
This section allows you to designate a particular tour as “featured.” Featured tours are displayed prominently at the top of both search results and the dedicated tour archive page.
- On: Selecting this option will mark the tour as featured.
- Off: Selecting this option will remove the featured designation from the tour.
Tour Featured Text
This section allows you to enter custom text that appears alongside the featured tour on the search results and archive page. It provides an opportunity to highlight the tour’s unique selling points and grab user attention.
For example, if you have a new place you’d like users to tour, feel free to add it, and type some unique(ex: Hot Deal) text in the featured section.

Single Tour Template Settings
This section lets you decide how this specific tour page will be displayed. There are two options to choose from––
- Global Settings
- Single Settings
Global Settings: This is the simplest option. By choosing “Global Settings“ your tour page will use the same layout as all the other tours on your website.
Single Settings: This option allows you to choose a different layout specifically for this particular tour. There are three layouts given and you can choose the one you find apt for this particular tour.
Backend View

Frontend View

Tour Gallery
This section allows you to create a captivating image gallery showcasing your tour.
- Add Gallery: Click this button to open a file selection window where you can choose multiple images for your tour gallery.
- Edit Gallery: Once you’ve added images, clicking this button allows you to rearrange the order of the images in the gallery or delete unwanted ones.
- Clear Gallery: This button removes all images currently in the tour gallery.
Tour Video
If you have a cool video of your tour, you can showcase it pretty easily. Simply enter the URL of your tour video hosted on YouTube or Vimeo.
Here’s the text field where you need to put the URL in the backend. People can use short links and detailed links in this field. The video will be embedded automatically.
Backend View

Backend View

Tour Destination
You can choose the location of your tour from the given options. However, if you can’t find it there you can simply click on “Add New Destination” to select the correct location.
The destinations are divided into “All Destinations” and “Most Used” for your convenience.
Tour Attractions
This section allows you to select the type of your tour whether it’s a “Beach Holiday” or a “Wildlife Tour”. Choose the ones applicable to your tour or use the “Add New Attractions” button to choose a custom attraction not present in the list.
Again, the list is separated into “All Attractions” and “Most Used” for your convenience.
Please Note: Users can use the feature to filter out their customer’s interests and preferences. The customer can set an attraction based on his/her likes and dislikes.

Tour Image/Featured Image
This is very important due to this image being the main background in the tour page.
Click on the image to access the gallery. From there, you can either choose an image from the gallery or add and then choose.
You can also click “Remove Tour Image” to remove the given image.