Hotel Import Export

Export Hotels on tourfic

To export hotels, please navigate to All Hotels. At the top of the section where you add hotels, you will find a button labeled ‘Export.’ Simply click on this button to download the CSV file containing the exported hotel data.

Tourfic export hotels image - Themefic

To perform bulk edits, you can modify the CSV file and subsequently upload the updated file for import. Please note that any edits should be made following the default structure for successful processing.

Exported Data hotel - Themefic

Import Hotels on tourfic

Once you hit the Import button, you’ll be taken to the importing page. Simply select the download .csv file from your downloaded files and hit continue. 

Note: Tourfic also allows you to update hotels whose IDs already exist on the website’s database. Toggle the update existing hotels button for that.

Hotel Import process - Themefic

We’ve also added the ability to choose which properties are added to your new website! For instance, if you want to exclude the FAQs from the previous website’s backup and import the rest, you can skip that property.

export faq - Themefic

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