If you want to include some additional conveniences and services for your customers, the Hotel Services section can help with that.
Airport Pickup Services
If you offer pickup or drop-off services for your hotel, enable the pickup service toggle.
- First, you’ll have to determine which services you offer.
- Selecting the pickup or drop-off toggles separately allows you to determine their prices separately. This is helpful if you offer different prices for the two services.
- Selecting the Pickup & Drop-off toggle allows you to set a single price for both services.
Pricing Type
You can also select the type of pricing for the airport pickup services.
- Selecting Per Person allows for individual prices for each person. It also offers customizable prices for children.
- Fixed Price sets a permanent value for pickup or drop-off services, regardless of the customer’s age.
- Choosing Free/Complimentary means the hotel doesn’t charge customers for the pickup or drop-off services.

Template Preview
When booking a hotel, you will encounter this popup providing information about the available services.