
Nearby Places

You can add and manage information regarding places of interest near your hotel. This helps in enhancing user experience.

Add Section Title

The nearby places will be grouped together and viewed under the Section Title. This title can be customized to suit the specific context, such as “What’s Around?” or “Nearby Attractions.”

This is how it looks like on the backend:

Tourfic hotel informations - Themefic

And this is how it looks on the frontend:

Insert / Create your hotel Place

The “Add New Place” button helps you to add any places of interest that are not already listed.  This could include popular landmarks, transportation hubs, or other attractions that guests might find useful. 

You can add further information about the place by clicking the drop-down button. this is where the “Add New Place” button is on the backend.

Place Title: Insert the name of the place here. For example, Metro Rail.

Place Distance and Unit: This field helps you specify the distance of the place from the hotel. You can choose your preferred unit for this. For example, 400 meters or .6 miles. this information helps guests understand how far each place is from their accommodation.

Place Item Icon: You can select an appropriate icon to represent the type of place being added. Press the “Add Icon” button to choose from the plethora of options given. There’s also a search feature here to help you find your desired icon.
For example, a train icon could be used for metro rail stations, while a fork and knife icon could be used for restaurants.

Tourfic hotel informations frontend - Themefic

Hotel Facilities

This section enables you to showcase the facilities provided at your hotel. 

Facilities Title

This helps you specify the title for the section, such as “Property Facilities,” to categorize the listed facilities.

Insert / Create Hotel Facilities

You can use the “Add New” button to add any facility that has not already been listed. This could include amenities like swimming pools, gyms, or business centers.

Use the drop-down button to edit or manage further information about the facilities.

Facilities Feature

Use the drop-down menu to select from the numerous features listed. 

Facilities Category

You can categorize the facilities under different categories to organize them effectively. For example, facilities could be categorized as “Services” or “Convenience”.

If you don’t find the category you are looking for, you can always just add new category from Facilities Categories

Mark as Favorite

This option allows you to mark specific facilities as favorites. This feature can be useful for highlighting key amenities that you want to showcase as standout features of the hotel.

Tourfic hotel informations facilites - Themefic

This how it looks on the frontpage:

Tourfic hotel informations facilites frontend - Themefic

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