Contact Info

The Contact Information section allows you to provide all your necessary details, making it easy for customers to contact you anytime.

First, enable the Display Contact Information on Website option to make the details visible on the front end. Once enabled, additional fields will appear for further customization.

The fields are straightforward. Simply fill in your name, email address, phone number, website URL, fax number, and photo accurately.

Here are my settings.

AD 4nXdae5dCkQKrOpMgrLw1ScB 8vlwxH1Qd7 Vcx7 WILoOgh4vNBwjTNGspvUTb e0NPKsl8wBmEaBFHl0nu7OegfDBemq3fk456 A5dSe5FoiUbGUk7C0fXSSnaUp09V3CcrQd6zCg?key= heIGnhLVCG4L3IRO2jCem4f - Themefic

Here is the frontend of the contact info.

AD 4nXdn51FIxAHdIvKwa6 aeL0NspFbAHSmWmboelwI6IZho8NDO QBrV3lthE2Q02DzDKHN6J F8Au6HDFBZPu4U hx - Themefic