Booking Settings

This section allows you to modify the booking experience for customers. 

Tourfic Apartment Pricing 1 - Themefic

Section Title

This will be the header of the booking section.

Pricing Type

You can choose to have two types of pricing strategies — per person or per night. 

Per Night

If you choose the Per Night option, you’ll be presented with the settings below

Price Per Night

This is the standard pricing for the apartment listings for every night. Simply write the number here, and the currency will be automatically added. 

Tourfic Apartment Per night Pricing - Themefic

Per Person 

These are the settings presented if you choose the per-person option. 

Tourfic Apartment Per person Pricing - Themefic

These are the settings presented if you choose the per-person option. As shown above, you can separately select the prices for adults, children, and infants. This allows for total control over the pricing structure. 

Minimum Night Stay

You can also determine a minimum number of nights a customer must stay in the apartment. 

Maximum Number for Adults, Children, and Infants

You can determine the highest number of adults, children, and infants separately. This allows for the highest level of control for the apartment listings. 

Additional Fees

If you provide any additional services or apply any added charges, this is the section to do so. You can add as many sections as you want here, with control over the fee type. It is also available in a free version. But you will have some limitations.

  1. First, add a new additional fee category by clicking the add new button. 
  2. Next, add a label for the additional fee. This is entirely upon your choice. 
  3. In this step, specify the payable amount. Note that the total fee will depend on the next section, which is the fee type. 
  4. The Fee Type determines the payment structure for the additional fees. You get three options — per stay (only once during their total stay), per night, or per person.
Tourfic Apartment extra - Themefic

Discount Type 

If you provide any discounts for your apartment listing, this is the section to modify it. 

Discount Type 

Firstly, you can determine the type of discount provided to customers. Choose either a fixed amount or a percentage, which will change depending on the total expenditure. It’s also possible to turn the discount option off by selecting the none option.

Discount Amount

Input the discount amount from this portion. Note that you only need to write the amount here. Tourfic will automatically pick either a percentage value or a currency value (depending on the chosen discount type). 

Booking Type 

Tourfic allows you to use either WooCommerce’s default booking structure or an external one. Simply choose your preferred one from the dropdown menu. 

External Booking

If you choose External Booking as the booking type, you’ll find some additional options. 

  1. Firstly, you’ll have to input the URL for your external booking. This depends on which external service you’re using.
  2. You can also hide the booking form from your single apartment page by toggling hide booking form on. 
  3. If you want to hide the pricing from your single apartment page, turn the Hide Price toggle on. 
  4. If you want to add custom query attributes to the apartment listing, turn Allow Attribute on. This allows you to sync the attributes between Tourfic and your external booking website.


If you want tax to apply for the apartment, turn the taxable toggle on. 

Tax Class

Assuming that you’ve turned the taxable toggle on, you’ll now get to choose the tax class. It is only available for Woocommerce tax rate

You can pick one among standard rates, reduced rated, Tourfic rates, or zero rates.  Users can further customize their tax class and rates from WooCommerce. Read this document to know how you can do that.

Tourfic Apartment taxable - Themefic