This section allows you to manage the date and your apartment booking availability. You can specify the dates, times, and terms for apartment reservations using these settings.
Enable Availability by Date
Turn the enable availability by date toggle to modify the apartment availability calendar. Here’s how the availability calendar looks in the front:

You can add the dates of check-in and check-out in this section. In addition, you can put the price range of the apartment. Changing the status to Unavailable will make it inaccessible for booking. Click on “Save Calendar” to save your changes.
iCal Integration
Many vendors often have their apartment listings listed on other multi-vendor websites (such as That means synching the availability calendar is a must to stay updated.
Tourfic provides iCal integration for that reason. Once you turn on the iCal integration, paste the URL in it and hit import.
Here’s a detailed guide on how to integrate iCal with Tourfic: