Apartment Enquiry

In this section, potential customers can contact you directly through your apartment listings.

Tourfic Apartment enquery - Themefic

Enable Apartment Enquiry Form Option 

Enabling this toggle allows customers to submit inquiries regarding this specific apartment. You can also disable enquiry for the specific apartment.  

Apartment Enquiry Icon

Click the Add Icon button to access the icon library. Tourfic provides a whole host of icons from Font Awesome’s library. Choose one and hit insert. 

Enquiry Title

This will act as the title of the entire enquiry form.

Enquiry Description

Give a brief explanation that appears beneath the title of the inquiry. This helps clarify the inquiry process.For Instance: Send a question to find out more about the apartment.

Enquiry Button Text

Customize the text that appears on the submit button within the enquiry form.

Use clear and direct language for a call-to-action button is ideal.

Tourfic Apartment enquery frontend - Themefic