Hotel Enquiry

The Hotel Enquiry Form feature allows you to add an enquiry form to your hotel website, enabling visitors to ask questions or request more information about your property.

Enable Hotel Enquiry Form Option

Toggle this to “Yes” if you wish to keep an Enquiry Form.

enquery section hotel - Themefic

Hotel Enquiry icon

Click the “Add Icon” button to choose from a plethora of options. Pick any icon you like to appear above the Enquiry Title.

Enquiry Title

Input the title of the Enquiry Form here. Something like “Have a question mind” that guides the guests to the form or customize it to anything you like.

Enquiry Description

You can provide a brief message here to go alongside with the Enquiry Title. This helps the guests understand the purpose of the form more easily.

Enquiry Button Text

The guests will have to click the Enquiry Button to see the Enquiry Form pop-up. Put the text you want on the Enquiry Button in the text box.

Note: The FAQ section is required to see the Enquery form

Template Preview

Tourfic hotel enquery - Themefic