FAQ & Terms

A FAQ section can significantly enhance your customers’ online experience. Answering frequently asked questions about your website allows you to better serve your customers. 

This section can lower customer inquiries, and being transparent helps to boost apartment reservations. 

Title of the Section

This appears as the heading for the FAQ section on the front end. 

Section Description

In the description portion, you can add any additional information about the FAQ section. 

Tourfic Apartment FAQ add - Themefic

Add Your Questions

You can click on the “Add New FAQ” button to create individual entries for Frequently Asked Questions.

Within each FAQ Entry

  • Single FAQ Title: Here, you can write down the question that you would like to respond to in the description text field.
  • Single FAQ Description: You can provide a detailed and instructive response to the relevant FAQ title in this section.
Tourfic Apartment FAQ section details - Themefic

See how it looks on the front page:

FAQ frontend apartment view for tourfic - Themefic

Terms and Conditions

This section helps the customer to understand the apartment’s regulations and guidelines. You can create and modify that entire section from here. 

Title of the Section

This appears as the heading of the Term and Conditions section on the front end.

Apartment Terms and Conditions 

You can enter your apartment’s terms and conditions in the description field. 

Terms and Conditins backend apartment view for tourfic - Themefic

This is how it looks on the front page

Terms and Conditins preview apartment view for tourfic - Themefic