Spam Protection

Enhance spam protection for WordPress contact forms using Contact Form 7. Current spam protection features include CAPTCHA and Arithmetic Recognition. These tools thwart automated spam submissions, ensuring the integrity of form data in Contact Form 7 for WordPress.

How to enable the feature?

Step 1: Navigate to Ultimate Addons > All Addons and search for the feature named ‘Spam Protection’ Enable this feature for your website.

Spam Protection search - Themefic

Step 2: Create a contact form and locate the tag labeled ‘Spam Protection. Place this tag wherever you wish to display the spam protection feature on your form.

Spam protection in contact form 7 settings 1 - Themefic

Step 3: At the bottom of the form, you’ll find the Ultimate Addons for Contact Form settings panel. Here, you can configure the spam protection feature for the created form.

Spam protection in contact form 7 settings 2 - Themefic

Protection Types

There are two types of protection technology available to prevent spam on form submissions: arithmetic recognition and image recognition.

Arithmetic Recognition

If you select for arithmetic recognition, the frontend will dynamically generate arithmetic challenges before submitting a form.

Spam protection in contact form 7 Arithmetic recognigation - Themefic

Image Recognition

If you choose image recognition, the frontend will dynamically generate image Captcha challenges before submitting a form.

Spam protection in contact form 7 Image recognitions - Themefic