Affiliate FAQ

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As an authorized Affiliate of Themefic, you may have some confusions. Let us clarify few.

How Does it Work?

As an affiliate member, you are essentially part of our sales team. For every person you refer to our site that makes a purchase, you get a commission. The more people you refer, the better chances you have of making more money.

How Do I Promote Themefic?

The most popular is by linking to our site with either a banner advertisement or a text link. We provide you with several examples and banner ads so it’s easy for you to get started right away.

How Quickly Can I Get Started?

It depends how fast you can type. Our short application only takes a minute to complete and you are instantly approved into our program. From within your affiliate account, you will have access to our library of banners which are embedded with your unique tracking code. That’s how we’ll be able to tell if a referral came from you or somebody else.

How Much Money Can I Make?

We offer 25% commission from each successful sale. There is no limit in the amount you can earn each month. The harder you work to promote us, the better chances you have of making more money.

How Does The Program Work?

For example, say person A sees Themefic banner ad on your site. They click through it and purchase one of our plugins for $100. You will earn $25 as commission (25%). The commission or the order needs to be 60 days old to withdraw the commission.

How Will I Know if I Earned a Commission?

You will instantly be notified via email when a sale has taken place. All you need to do is follow the steps below and then place banner or text ads on your website embedded with your affiliate id. It’s that easy and doesn’t cost anything to join! We even have free analytics so you can see how many click-through you’re generating.

How Do I Get Paid?

All affiliate payments are made via PayPal or Payoneer. You also need to make sure your payment method are correctly entered within your Themefic affiliate account. Any account incorrectly setup will not be paid for that cycle.

When are Payouts Made?

At the end of each month, we run a report to see how many affiliate sales were made. Each transaction is manually audited due to an increase in affiliate fraud. Assuming your affiliate commissions are valid (see “I Made a Sale but didn’t get Paid” below), payments for the prior month will then be sent to your PayPal/Payoneer account by the end of the next month. For example, if you had three sales in September, you will be paid by November 31st. There is no minimum payout amount.

Can I Earn Commissions from My Own Purchases?

No. You will not receive credit when purchasing one or more products through your own affiliate link. You may receive an automatic notification from us to let you know that a sale has taken place, but your affiliate payout will not include this amount. So don’t waste our time and try to be tricky by using another email address or some other clever method. It’s very easy for us to tell if someone purchased our products through their own affiliate link. Bottom line: If there is any question about the legitimacy of the affiliate sale, you will not be paid.

How Long Does the Affiliate Referral Last for?

Whenever a visitor clicks through your affiliate link, a 90-day cookie is set. If they make a purchase within those 90 days (and they don’t clear their cookies), you get credit for the sale.

How Does the Affiliate Cookie Work?

When someone clicks on your affiliate link, they are redirected to our website and a cookie is set (affwp_ref) with your affiliate id. As long as they don’t clear their cookies or click on another affiliate link before checking out, the sale will be credited to you. What occasionally happens is a person clicks on your affiliate link, gets redirected to our website and before checking out, searches Google for a coupon code.

If the user already has a cookie already set for our site, that means someone came to our site from an affiliate link 2 days ago and he is researching more about our products in different sites, then goes to another site and that has an affiliate link for us too. There will be one cookie which was set 2 days ago. The new affiliate cookie will not be placed. That means the only the first referrer will get the commission.

Minimum Payout amount

We pay our affiliate partners once a month. There is no Minimum credit required to get paid but if you are using Payoneer, the minimum is $50.

I Made a Sale but now it’s Showing up as a Credit

This usually means a purchase of one of our products was reversed due to a fraudulent transaction. Our payment gateway automatically refunds the money which means the commission you earned gets returned as well. We know, it sucks and we both lose out. It could also mean that the affiliate sale was reversed because it was not made following our affiliate guidelines.

Can I Promote Themefic in the Forums?

That’s a big no, sorry. We don’t want everyone spamming the forums or creating profile signatures embedded with affiliate links. Access to the forum is a privilege so don’t make us warn you twice otherwise we’ll have to terminate your affiliate account. This may include withholding any outstanding payments as well. Just behave, mmkay?

Promotion Ideas

The great thing about affiliate programs is you can be as creative as you like. Most people take the easy route which is just placing affiliate banners on their site and hope someone will eventually click on it. While this is fine, it’s not always the most effective method. Let us give you some insider marketing advice which we’ve learned from our years of online affiliate experience.

Take a two-prong approach when promoting Themefic. Use banners on your site but also leverage the power of a blog post. Writing a review about Themefic will not only get more traffic to your site but it’s 10 times more likely to generate an affiliate sale. Why? Because people are searching the web looking for product reviews before buying products. They are already in buying mode and if your review convinces them enough, they will click on YOUR affiliate link to buy Themefic. Of course make your reviews honest and tell them why you love Themefic so much.

Can I offer something a bonus?

No, You can’t do that. We don’t want to make unfair competitions among our affiliates. Please promote our products can add value and features.

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