How to write a tour description properly for your travel agency website (with examples)

How to Write a Tour Description For Your Website

A successful tour description takes a lot of effort to write. But it will reward you by attracting potential visitors and turning them into paid customers.

A well-written tour description provides essential information and sparks the imagination, making people eager to experience what you offer.

A visitor chooses to stay on your tour booking website or look into alternative possibilities based only on the tour description. Therefore, making the tour descriptions informative, attractive and precise is crucial.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the steps to craft an engaging tour description and provide examples to illustrate each point. 

What exactly is a tour description?

As the name implies, a tour description provides all the necessary information about the trip. Crafting a tour description the right way aids in converting site visitors into paying customers.

A tour description is like a detailed travel story. It’s the written piece that spills the beans about a specific tour or adventure you might want. You’ll usually find them available on websites, brochures, and flyers.

They can provide you with an inside taste of the tour. In short, a tour description is a piece of writing that summarizes the entire tour, focusing on the advantages and enticing readers to book the trip.

Think of it as offering a sneak peek into the tour and itinerary packages. A good tour description will spill the tea on the must-see places, the daily plan, what’s included (and what’s not), what makes this tour unique, and all the other nitty-gritty.

It’s like a teaser trailer for your travel dreams, aiming to make you say, “Yes, sign me up for this amazing experience”. To make your travel business website successful, creating a compelling tour description for your travel booking website can be a crucial initiative.

An example of a tour description of the African Wildlife Safari 

African Wildlife Safari landing page

African Adventure Safari: Explore the Untamed Wilderness

Get ready for the adventure of a lifetime as we take you deep into the heart of Africa’s untamed wilderness. 

Wildlife Encounters Like No Other

Imagine waking up to the symphony of the African bush, surrounded by the calls of lions, elephants, and a colorful array of birds. This safari will bring you up close and personal with the Big Five and countless other incredible creatures. Watch in amazement as giraffes gracefully wander by the place where zebras playfully graze.

Spectacular Scenery

The landscapes you’ll witness are straight out of a National Geographic documentary. From the vast Savannahs of the Serengeti to the breathtaking beauty of the Okavango Delta, every moment will leave you breathless. 

Sunset Safaris & Campfires

As the sun dips below the horizon, we’ll gather around crackling campfires, sharing stories under the star-studded African sky. It’s a magical way to end each day of exploration.

Camping with comfort

You don’t need to worry if you are far from home because our comfortable camps will give you the best experience of both sides of the world: the wild charm and comforts of home.

Expert Guides

Our local guides are passionate about the African wilderness and will share their knowledge, ensuring you leave not only with incredible memories but also a deeper understanding of this remarkable ecosystem.

A Journey of a Lifetime

This African Adventure Safari isn’t just a trip; it’s a life-changing experience. When you return home, your heart will appreciate the beauty and memories you made while adventuring the amazing landscapes. 

So, are you ready to dive on this unforgettable journey? Join us and become a part of the African story.

Book your spot now and let the wild adventure begin!

Pretty good, right? So, how to write an excellent tour description like this for your website? Let’s dive into the details.

How to properly write a tour description for your website

You can use the following guide to write a tour description that converts properly:

Know your audience

know your audience - how to write tour description

Before you start writing, it’s essential to know your target audience. It might sound a bit cliche, but knowing the people you want to attract to your tour packages is imperative. Knowing their interests, desires, and expectations will help you tailor your description to speak directly to them.

A thing to keep in mind is that you should always write for your readers by identifying their needs. You can identify the target market and tailor the packages to meet their needs.

For example, If your target audience is families looking for outdoor adventures, your tour description should highlight the fun and educational aspects that parents and kids will love.

Furthermore, use pronouns like “you” and “your” to sound more audience centric. Try not to use “we” and “our” type of pronouns. This is because when you sound audience centric, they feel more respected and may feel more inclined to your content.

It also helps you establish a more personal connection with your potential customers by making your tour description sound more conversational.

Start with a captivating hook

Start with a captivating hook

First impressions matter. Begin Your tour description with something that immediately grabs the reader’s attention- a catchy headline or an intriguing opening sentence.

Example: “Get Ready for the Adventure of a Lifetime: Explore the Mysteries of the Amazon Rainforest!” 

Set a tone and stick to it

Set a tone and stick to it

Maintain a particular voice tone throughout your tour explanation. The voice tone may change depending on the brand personality and the kind of tour package you are promoting.

For instance, comparatively larger tour operators frequently adopt a formal tone. While a smaller, locally focused business might adopt a more informal tone to establish a more personal connection with its clients,

Always shape the tone of your writing according to your target audience, as was mentioned in a previous example. 

Highlight what makes your tour package unique

Highlight what makes your tour package unique

Your tour description should answer the question: “Why should someone choose your tour package over others?” What makes your offering stand out? Showcase these unique features prominently.

For example, “Our Amazon Rainforest tour is an extraordinary journey through pristine, untouched areas, guided by local experts who’ll give you an authentic and immersive experience.”

Paint a vivid picture

Paint a vivid picture

Use descriptive language to transport your readers into the heart of the tour. Help them visualize the destination and imagine themselves participating in the activities.

For instance, “As you venture deep into the rainforest, you’ll find yourself surrounded by towering trees draped in vibrant orchids, with sunlight filtering through the dense foliage, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor.”

Providing necessary tour details

In the world of tour descriptions, it’s not about painting dreamy landscapes with words. Practical information is the backbone of your description – it’s what helps your readers plan, prepare, and make informed travel decisions. 

You can consider the following tour details as an example:

Tour Destination: Kenya

Our 5-day wildlife safari in Kenya runs from October 10th to October 15th, 2023. 

The tour package costs $2,500 per person. All the visitors should meet at Nairobi Airport.

Tour Itinerary:

Day 1: Arrive in Nairobi and check in to your hotel.

Day 2: Explore Nairobi National Park.

Day 3: Begin the safari in Maasai Mara.

Day 4: Visit the National Museum of Kenya.

Day 5: Follow the Oloolua Nature Trail.

What to Pack:

Hiking boots, lightweight clothing, a warm jacket and a pair of binoculars.

Fitness Requirements:

  • This tour involves moderate hiking and requires a reasonable level of fitness.
  • Participants have to walk in uneven terrain for nearly 2 hours.


You’ll stay in comfortable lodges and eco-friendly campsites, all carefully selected to dip you in the natural beauty of Kenya.


Air-conditioned vans and scenic boat rides in waterways.

Emergency Contact 

Phone Number and email Address.

Showcase the benefits of your tour packages

Make sure to highlight the advantages and unique experiences your participants will gain, driving their decision to choose your tour package.

For example: “Our photography tour will ignite your passion for capturing the world’s beauty and take your photography skills to the next level.”

Build trust through testimonials and reviews

rating and review of hotel booking plugin

Frankly, there’s no marketing tool more powerful than the honest voices of your past participants. The reviews and testimonials will glimpse the real experiences of travelers participating in your tour business. 

For example, “Here’s what some of our recent travelers had to say about their adventures with us.”

Create urgency in your tour descriptions

Motivate your readers to take action by creating a sense of urgency. Mention limited availability or special offers to encourage them to book now.

For instance you can consider this copy, “Act fast – spots for our June tours are limited! Secure your place now and receive a complimentary rainforest survival guide.”

Call to Action

End your description with a clear and compelling call to action. Encourage readers to book the tours, get in touch for more details, or subscribe to your newsletter.

It can be like, “Ready to embark on this extraordinary journey? Book your Amazon Rainforest adventure today and let the wilderness captivate your soul.

Related article: How to create a hotel booking website with WordPress (The ultimate guide)

Frequently asked questions (FAQs) on writing tour descriptions

Question 1: What is the purpose of a tour description on a website?

Answer: A website’s tour description informs potential clients about a trip’s specifics, high points, and logistics, luring them to book or request more information.

Question 2: How long should a tour description be?

Answer: While there’s no definitive answer, we suggest keeping it brief, ideally between 200 and 500 words, and include just enough details to give the reader a flavor of the tour without boring them.

Question 3: What are the essential elements of a tour description?

Answer: Some of the essential elements of a tour description are the tour’s name, duration, highlights, schedule, cost, meeting location, inclusions, exclusions, and booking instructions are important details.

Question 4: How can I make my tour description engaging?

Answer: To convey a sense of adventure and excitement, use intriguing language, storytelling, and detailed descriptions. Highlight special benefits and experiences.

Question 5: Should I include images in my tour description?

Answer: Yes, adding great photographs or a gallery can improve the website’s aesthetic appeal and aid visitors in picturing the experience.

Question 6: Is mentioning the tour’s difficulty level or physical requirements important?

Answer: Yes, informing participants of the tour’s physical requirements is essential to ensuring their readiness.

Question 7: How can I convey the value of the tour to potential customers?

Answer: Outline the advantages and distinctive selling factors of the tour. Describe how it differs from competitors and why it is pricey.

Question 8: What should I do if my tour has multiple options or variations?

Answer: List all of the available choices, including ordinary and premium packages, and explain their distinctions.

Question 9: Should I include customer reviews or testimonials in the tour description?

Including gratifying client feedback or testimonials can increase credibility and foster confidence.

Question 10: What should I avoid in tour descriptions to make them more understandable?

Answer: Don’t use words or phrases that clients might not comprehend, such as jargon or technical terms. Avoid making inflated promises or claims as well.

Question 11: Is mentioning cancellation and refund policies in the tour description necessary?

Answer: Yes, it is necessary. Meeting client expectations is important by being open and honest about cancellations and refund policies.

Question 12: Can I use humor in tour descriptions?

Answer: Humor can be useful, but use caution and ensure it fits your brand and the tastes of your target audience.

Question 13: How can I optimize tour descriptions for SEO?

Answer: Use pertinent keywords linked to your tour’s destination and activities to increase your website’s visibility in search engines.

Question 14: What should I do if I’m not a skilled writer?

Answer: To create captivating tour descriptions that effectively convey the essence of your offerings, think about working with a professional copywriter or editor.

Final thoughts

Crafting a captivating tour description for your travel agency website is an art form that can make all the difference in attracting potential travelers. Because it’s more than just relaying information; it’s a call of nature or a thrilling journey with your travel agency.

Remember, your tour description isn’t just words on a screen; it’s an invitation to explore the world and create lasting memories with unforgettable or surreal experiences. 

So, invest time and care to craft your words on properly writing a tour description for your website. Happy writing, and here’s to many incredible adventures ahead. 

There you have it! Stay tuned by subscribing to our newsletter to get more exciting news, offers, and articles right in your inbox. 

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